Encyclopedia of Language and Education: Volume 5 and 9

007Código:  L-14.1-09

Título: Encyclopedia of Language and Education. Volume 5: Bilingual Education. 2. ed. Nueva York: Springer. 2008. v. 5, 369 p.

Autor(es): Cummins, Jim, ed.; Hornberger, Nancy, ed.

Donación: Luis Enrique Lopez


Abstract:  The encyclopedia of language and education describe and explain Bilingual Education from different points of view, in the first part, showing how these programs developed and implemented around the world contribute to achieve proficiency in literacy in both language (L1 y L2), explain what types of program is appropriate and successful to implement taking in care the context. How the communities, indigenous and non-indigenous, perceive these term “Bilingual Education”, describing the connotations that it implies and the dilution of the emphasis on language and culture. The language right provided under various United Nations Charters and Conventions, and how these engage with the programs of bilingual education and the minorities. Finally, in the second part of this encyclopedia explain bilingual education programs and policies in Africa, Asia, Europe, North Central and South of America, Pacific region and Australasia.


Section 1:  21st Century Bilingual Education: Advances in Understanding and Emerging Issues

  1. Key Concepts in Bilingual Education: Ideological, Historical, Epistemological, and Empirical Foundations (Tove Skutnabb-Kangas and Teresa L. McCarty)
  2. Bilingual/Immersion Education: What the Research Tells Us (Stephen May)
  3. Bilingual Education and Socio-Political Issues (Joseph Lo Bianco)
  4. Conceptualizing Biliteracy within Bilingual Programs (Diana Schwinge)
  5. Teaching for Transfer: Challenging the Two Solicitudes Assumption in Bilingual Education (Jim Cummins)
  6. Identity, Community an Power in Bilingual Education (Rebecca Freeman Field)
  7. Multicompetence Approaches to Language Proficiency Development in Multilingual Education (Ulrike Jessner)
  8. Modularity in Bilingualism as an Opportunity for Cross-discipline Discussion (Norbert Francis)
  9. Language Rights and Bilingual Education (Tove Skutnabb-Kangas)
  10. American Sign Language (ASL) Bilingual Bicultural Education (Anita Small and David Mason)

Section 2: Illustrative Bilingual Education Programs and Policies


  1. Bilingual Education in Africa: An Overview (Margaret Akinyi Obondo)


  1. Multilingual Education in India (Ajit Mohanty)
  2. English-Chinese Bilingual Education in China (Liming Yu)
  3. Bilingual Education in Singapore (Anne Pakir)
  4. Bilingual Education in Central Asia (Stephen Bahry, Sarforoz Niyozov and Duishon Alievich Shamatov)


  1.  Bilingual Education in Spain: Present Realities and Future Challenge (Angel Huguet, David Lasagabaster and Ignasi Vila)

North America

  1.  Bilingual Education by an for American Indians, Alaska Natives and Native Hawaiians (Teresa L. McCarty)
  2. Dual Language education in Canada and the USA (Fred Genesee and Kathryn Lindholm-Leary)

Pacific Region and Australasia

  1.  Bilingual Education in South Pacific (Heather Lotherington)
  2. Arabic-English Bilingualism in Australia (Ken Cruickshank)

South/Central America

  1. Intercultural Bilingual Education Among Indigenous Peoples in Latin America (Luis Enrique López and Inse Sichra)
  2. Bilingual Education for Indigenous Communities in Mexico (Rainer Enrique Hamel)
  3. Enrichment Bilingual Education in South America (Anne Marie de Mejía)


Código:  L-14.1-10

Título: Encyclopedia of Language and Education. Volume 9: Ecology of Languge.  2. ed. Nueva York: Springer. 2008. v. 9, 369 p.

Autor(es): Creese, Angela, ed.; Martin, Peter, ed.; Hornberger, Nancy, ed.

Donación: Luis Enrique Lopez


Abstract: This volume collects together chapters concerned with ecologies of language and learning. The study of language ecology is the study of diversity within specific socio-political setting where the processes of language use create, reflect and challenge particular hierarchies and hegemonies, however transient these might be. It will be at once apparent that all of the themes above (Language, literacy and learning) are central to our understanding of education and an ecological perspective demands a particular view of education and classroom practice as situated and localized. However, it also views these schools and classrooms and their interactive practices a part of a bigger and more powerful political state in which ideologies function to reproduce particular balances of power. It is not surprising then that many of the chapters in this volume start small and describe big with authors reporting on how an ecological perspective provides researchers and practitioners with the means to argue for political right and challenge prevailing views of knowledge and patterns of schooling. Many of the chapters in this volume are overtly ‘political’ in arguing for the ‘rearrangement of power’ (López) in support of minority and indigenous groups. This interest in counter hegemony is also apparent in seemingly less political debates such as new and community literacies where we see how people use new technologies and existing resources to create new diversity in their literacy and oral practice.


Section 1: Historical and Theoretical Perspectives

  1. A Human Rights Perspective on Language Ecology (Tove Skutnabb-Kangas and Robert Phillipson)
  2. The Ecology o Language: Insight and Illusion (John Edwards)
  3. Language Ecology and Language Ideology (Adrian Blckledge)
  4. An Ecology Perspective on Language Planning (Robert B. Kaplan anf Richard Baldauf)
  5. The Ecology of Language Learning and Sociocultural Theory (Leo van Leir)

Section 2: Language Ecologies of Selected Countries and Regions

  1. The Language Ecology of Australia’s Community Languages (Sandra Kipp)
  2. The Language Ecology of Marginalised Ethno-Linguistic Groups in Southern Africa (Andy Chebanne)
  3. The Language Ecology of Singapore (Anthea Fraser Gupta)
  4. Language Survival and Language Death in Multilingual Italy (Arturo Tosi)
  5. The Language Ecology of the Middle East: Jordan as a Case Study (Yasir Suleiman)
  6. Indigenous Constributions to an Ecology of Language Learning in Latin America (Luis Enrique López)

Section 3: The languages Ecologies of Dispersed and Diasporic Communities

  1.  Language Ecology and Language Communities in the Malay World (James T. Collins)
  2. The Ecology of the Chinese Language in the United States (Shuhan C. Wang)
  3. Small Worlds: The Language Ecology of the Penan in Borneo (Peter G. Sercombe)
  4. The Moroccan Community in the Netherlands (Jacomine Nortier)

Section 4: Classroom Language Ecologies

  1. Policy, Practice and Power: Language Ecologies of South African Classroom (Margie Probyn)
  2. Language Ecologies and the Meaning of Diversity: Corsican Bilingual Education and the Concept of ‘Polymonie’ (Alexandra Jaffe)
  3. Language Minority Education in Japan (Yasuko Kanno)
  4. Ideology, Policy and Practice in Bilingual Classrooms: Brunei Durassalam (Mukul Saxena)
  5. Classroom Ecologies: A Case Study from a Gujarati Complementary School in England (Angela Creese and Peter Martin)

Section 5: The Language Ecology of Literacies, Oracies, Discourses

  1.  Continua of Biliteracy (Nancy H. Hornberger)
  2. The Ecology of Literacy in Hong Kong (Angel M Y. Lin)
  3. The Ecology of Literacy and Language: Discourses, Identities and Practices in Homes, Schools and Communities (Kate Pahl)
  4. Ecologies of New Literacies: Impleications for Education (Karin Tusting)